Monday 8 April 2013

Thursday 14 March 2013

The Web's Affect On Distribution

How does the evolving web affect media distribution?


Socialnomics was a theory created by Erik Qualman. It is associated with word of mouth marketing, due to the social media. He argued that companies who take time to develop a strong social media presence have the best chance of surviving in the 21st centuary marketplace. Likes, comments and check in's have been proven to make a difference to a company.

In a Ameican survey in 2012, 47% said that Facebook has the greatest impact on their purchase behaviour. However only 30% in 2011 agreed. This proves that the media has huge influences on campanies ect.

Thursday 7 March 2013

The Internet's Influence On The Music Industry

The internet had a huge influence on the growth of the music industry.

Historical Research

The role of Napster in 2001:
What was Napster? What was special about the program?
Napster was a online download service which allowed users to share files through the internet in a MP3 format. It was special as it allowed free downloading of almost any song, including demos.
What was the response from consumers?
As of early April 2000, there were over 5 million registered Napster users. The public loved the idea of peer-to-peer sharing through the internet , for free, as they were able to place the songs on their CD's.
What was the response from the artists?

Music artists were furious, as their congs were being leaked and downloaded for free. This meant they lost out on a lot of money. Some artists, such as Metallica, demanded that any one who attempting to download one of their albums/singles/songs were banned from using the website.
    However Napster also worked to promote bands and albums. Radiohead had never had a hit in the top 20 in the US, so their album Kid A was demo'd without any singles and very little radio play. By time it was released it had been downloaded by millions of people already, so became number one on the Billboard 200 in its debut week.
What happened to Napster?
In July 2001, Napster shut down its entire network in order to comply with a injunction. On September 24, 2001, the case was partially settled. Napster agreed to pay music creators and copyright owners a $26 million settlement for past, unauthorized uses of music, as well as an advance against future licensing royalties of $10 million. In order to pay those fees, Napster attempted to convert their free service to a subscription system. Thus traffic to Napster was reduced.

The role of iTunes:
When did iTunes get introduced?

The iTunes Store was first launched on April 28, 2003. At first, only Mac users were able to use it, and PC users had to wait until October 2003 for the release of the Windows version of iTunes. 
What services does it offer?

Apple provides a virtual store where people can buy and download digital music on-demand, they can then transfer the music to any Apple devices.
How has it changed the music industry?

Today, the iTunes Store is the largest seller of digital music in the U.S. This means that artists are now selling their songs, instead of them being illegally downloaded as much as they had in the past.
How has the platform changed between its inception and present day?