Saturday 2 March 2013

The Music Industry & Online Piracy: Napster

1. Read the article Record industry sees slight growth for first time since Napster - summarise and then give your own commentary: What do you think this means for the industry?
        I believe the record industry was never in as much trouble as they claimed. Downloading albums and singles individually uses quite a lot of time and effort, and as a result is a timeconsuming act. Many people would rather use sites, such as YouTube and VEVO, and streaming apps, such as Spotify, which charges a small fee per month for unlimited music. This results in the record label and artists receiving money and making a profit. Also the long tail theory identifies how less popular albums are able to be sold, not just popular, which also results in sales through CDs. Personally, I believe the  record industry is as alive as ever.

2. Read The anti-piracy Copyright Alert System: Is the Napster era finally dead? – summarise and give your own commentary: Do you think this will work? 
        I don't believe this will work and will just result in sites such as Napster closing down. Also, there are other ways to share files.

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